Season 1 - Foundations
Episode 12 - Know Your Resources: Getting In Those Genes (It's a Podcast swap!)
"Sankofa is a Ghanaian principle that means go back and fetch it, referencing the idea that we must never forget about our past as we continue to embark on this journey called life."
When tracing your ancestry, it’s important to know your resources. The next few episodes of American Origin Stories will discuss just that—the actual products, processes, supplies & more that you can use to trace your ancestry.
Today, we will start with your genetic data. And you won’t just have to take my word for it. Instead, I will let an expert do the talking and in the process, introduce you to one of my favorite podcasts. In Those Genes is a groundbreaking podcast that uses genetics to decode the lost histories of African descended Americans through the lens of Black culture. The swap episode explores how we discuss black identity genetically & culturally, led by host Dr. Janina Jeff, Gene-SIS, Spelmanite & the first African American to graduate with a PhD in Human Genetics from Vanderbilt University.
Dr. Jeff has an incredible way of making complicated science completely relatable. And this won’t be the only time we hear from her. Next week, she will sit down with AOS to further examine about what it means to take a Direct to consumer DNA test & how to thoughtfully process that information.
But first, check out this swap episode to get a foundation for the basics, and get In Those Genes with Dr. Jeff!
Show notes from the In Those Genes team:
Sankofa is a Ghanaian principle that means go back and fetch it, referencing the idea that we must never forget about our past as we continue to embark on this journey called life. Genetics is a manifestation of the Sankofa principal, having the ability to learn about our past through our DNA. This episode will explore the many facets of how we define the Black identity genetically and culturally as well as meaningful conversation with ‘The Jeff’s’, the parents of Dr. Jeff, host of the show.
Please fast forward pass 13:41-13-:48 as indicated in the show if you do not wish to hear language that could be offensive, triggering, or harmful to some.
The Nucleus, our transcript, can be found here,
The Helix, an episodic soundtrack filled with the musical inspiration behind the show can be found here.
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